Hey there,

First I want to apologize for the radio silence on my blog. I was/am extremely busy with my study. There are a lot of exams coming up this and next week:(. I miss spending time working on my blog, so I promise I will be back with outfit shoots as soon as possible!

Enough apologies for now, let’s talk about the (new) trend marble. I bet you’ve seen it a lot on Instagram, We Heart it and so on. I am joining the trend too, because I now have a marble iPhone and Macbook too (which you can see on the pictures!). My marble macbook isn’t a case, but a good sticker. The sticker is from CaseApp. You can design your own case, how cool is that! When you use the code: D8QE1V you’ll get 20% discount; so hurry!

PS you can find the iPhone case here.

PSPS have you already subscribed on my Youtube channel?


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