Hello from sunny Curaçao!

When I was about 10 years old I flew to Dominican Republic with my family. So, this was the first time in years we went to the Caribbean again! I heard a lot about Curaçao, some people were totally in love with the island and others just didn’t like it at all. But hell yeah, I now can say: Curaçao is really amazing! Just exactly what I needed during these cold winter months in the Netherlands. It feels so good to pack all your summer clothes when it’s so cold in your own country. We went to a lot of cool spots on the island. I’m going to take you with me through the first part of our stay on Curaçao:-)

Mister Paradise
The first thing we did at home before we went to Curaçao was searching on the internet for a car to rent. There are busses and taxi’s on the island, but the best way to explore the island is with your own car. When I saw this pink (yes, pink!) Jeep I immediately fell in love. This was the one I want to explore the island with. It is an old car, but in my opinion that’s just the fun part! We really enjoyed driving it. I would really recommend Mister Paradise if you want to experience the island as it is. Just make a reservation on Mister Paradise and they will deliver the car at your stay!

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Once we had our car, we couldn’t wait to explore the island. So we made a little road trip. We started our day with a breakfast at Karakter. Karakter is a beautiful place where you can eat, go snorkeling or just enjoy the crystal clear blue water. There isn’t a real beach, but instead there are rocks: which is fine for snorkeling, because there are a lot of beautiful fishes between the rocks. We stayed at the Hilton hotel so it was about a half an our drive to Karakter. After breakfast we made some pictures and went back to our pink Jeep.


Grote and Kleine Knip
After we had our breakfast we first drove to the Kleine Knip. I know some people prefer Grote Knip, but I didn’t. Kleine Knip is way smaller and more primitive, which I prefer. We just chilled at the Kleine Knip for about two hours and after that we drove to Grote Knip. Which was also beautiful! We chilled again and swam in the crystal clear water. We just made one big mistake: we didn’t bring cash with us, and there was no ATM nearby. So, if you are planning to make a little road trip on Curacao, make sure to bring cash with you!;-)

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Part #2 will be on my blog soon. Stay tuned and talk to you later! X

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